Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I love jelly. There I have said it.

It might be a thing from childhood, but I'm not sure. I just know that the site of a nice wobbly jelly fills me with delight. I am perfectly happy to eat one made from a commercial packet but there is nothing nicer than a real jelly made from fresh ingredients.

Recently recipes have been popping up all over the place, it seems the humble jelly has become, dare I say trendy. For me it has never been out of fashion, and to be honest people did look down their noses at me when I confessed my love of it.

But who's sneering now? It is popping up on menus everywhere. There are some delicious combinations too. Gin and tonic for one. Have made this in the past with good results, but still prefer sipping this one from a glass. Cider and buck thorn was one I tried recently and it was really good.

But one of my favourites is one made from real orange juice. It is lovely and refreshing, a good one for the nice summer ahead. It can be made more adult by replacing 100mls of the juice with vodka but do warn people if you do this.

It is easy to make and results are very rewarding. I think it would be fun to make with children using their favourite fruit juices, and for me knowing exactly what is in their food is well worth any mess.

Basically it's easy, it's delicious and there really is no limit to what flavours you can make.


5 gelatine leaves
100mls hot water from a kettle
700mls of smooth orange juice ( or juice of your choice )

Soak gelatine leaves in cold water for 5-10 mins to soften
drain and squeeze out excess liquid from leaves and add to hot water.
Stir until dissolved
Add to warmed juice and stir.

Pour into dish or mould of your choice. If you plan to turn out lightly rub mould with vegetable oil.
I like to use glasses of varying sizes giving guests a chance to choose how much they want to eat. However if I am making it for ourselves I just pour into a dish.

So have fun making it with your own favourite combinations. My next experiment is going to be with coffee!

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